Queen's Collage Collectives, in collaboration with Queen's Black Academic Society, have launched a F.U.B.U. (For Us, By Us) Series of Black-only virtual events for Queen's students!
Given the current circumstances surrounding anti-Black racism around the world, and being students at a predominantly white institution, the QCC and QBAS teams realize that Black-only spaces on campus are vital for providing a safe space for Black folks to provide each other with community care, empowerment, and love. This F.U.B.U. Series is a Black-only space for ALL Black folks across the diaspora. We welcome Black folks of every identity (whether you are white-passing, bi-racial, mixed, Afro-Latinx, 2SLGBTQ+, etc.).
This particular event coming up in the F.U.B.U. Series is the: Savage x Fenty 2020 Fashion Show Watch Party! This event will be facilitated over Zoom by myself, Alyssa Vernon, and folks from QBAS. This will be a healing space where Black students from Queen’s can virtually gather, collage, and have open dialogues about Black empowerment, healing, and in particular how resilient and beautiful Black women are. The overall goal of this event is to connect Black folks, especially Queen’s students together, promote other Black spaces on campus, and participate in this virtual space together by healing through creativity and community-care.
Attached below is a downloadable PDF document containing the Collage Kit for this event! Feel free to download and print it off for collage use.
